How To Create Recycle Bin For Usb Stick / Flash Drive

Why Recycle bin for usb? If you're using windows operating system,you definitely know what a recycle bin is.It stores all files and folders you delete from the hard disk and helps you undelete if necessary.By default it covers hard disk only.It means items deleted from any other media such as usb stick are permanently deleted as they are not sent to the recycle bin.Here comes ibin handy..

If you use  usb drive often to store data, you can try this small portable application .It creates a  recycle bin on the flash drive and works just like windows recycle bin.Whenever you delete an item ,a window will pop up asking if you want to dump it to ibin or erase it permanently.All or selected dumped  files can be restored back  using dumping management feature.You can customize it,undo last dumping ,clean ibin container,use hot key to manage ibin actions and many more.

Download : IBIN


  1. Check out a cool utility called iBIN which creates a built-in Recycle Bin for Flash drives. Just download the zip file extract the EXE from the ZIP and copy it into your flash drive. Now run the EXE you just placed in your flash drive to create your flash drive’s Recycle Bin!

  2. wow its cool and very useful for all PC USB drive users thanks

  3. This small portable program was really useful for me, really thanks for sharing !


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