How To Open/ Unlock / Edit Password Protected Excel Spreadsheet or Workbook Online For Free

Forgot or lost Microsoft excel workbook (XLS & XLSX formats) password ? Do you want to open/edit / unlock excel files for free? Here are few useful free web services to help you out...

Sometimes ms excel file creators restrict their files using excel file protection features from copying,editing , printing or viewing the contents.If you forgot the password or receive a password protected Ms Excel workbook from others, you can simply bypass those restictions using these free online utilities.

1.Free Excel Spreadsheet Unlock Online Utility:

This utility removes copying,editting or printing restrictions of  .xls files only. (If you want to remove restrictions of .xlsx files try next method written here.)The file should not be more than 5MB.The cracked / unlocked version of your excel file will be displayed in a new tab /window if ms excel or its alteratives installed on your computer . Otherwise you can download the unlocked excel file to your pc.
Goto: free excel spreadsheet unlock online utility

2.Google Documents:

Another solution is you can upload your locked excel spreadsheets to google documents.It automatically removes workbook and sheet protection while uploading .You can edit the document and add or remove data so easily as you do with ms excel.Google documents supports both xls and xlsx formats for uploading and editing but you can download file only in xls format.

Goto:Google Documents(You can access with Gmail ID)

3.Youtube Videos:

You can see the following Youtube Videos and try those methods to unlock or remove Ms Excel passwords

How To Remove Excel Passwords Inside MS-Office 2007
Remove Excel Password- Free & Easy
How to Remove Excel Password Without Knowing It
Unprotect Excel Sheet Without Knowing The Password ( For MAC)

4.Passware Password Kit Basic Demo:

Using this utility (demo version) you can reover 3 letter passwords or first three letters of passwords.It gives you a rough idea and you can guess password.This utility cracks and / or decrypts both protections ("Password to modify" and "password to open").

Goto: Passware Password Kit Basic .

Atlast if above methods don't work and you want to view a file that is password protected using security features in Ms Excel like "password to open" or "password to modify" you have to try commercial cracking and recovery softwares like Office password recovery or Passware Password Kit Basic .

Also see:


  1. For execute many actions with excel files and recover corrupted or deleted excel file other types there is-Microsoft Excel file is not in recognizable format,tool is free as far as I know,it has many features,moreover program will allow to avoid such error messages, like: xlsx this file is not in a recognizable format, xlsx file is not in a recognizable format or even this file is not in a recognizable version for Excel,help you to get rid of such messages: this file is not in a recognizable format Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Excel recognizable format and Microsoft Excel file is not in recognizable format,also tool will allow you to recover your files in Microsoft Excel format and avoid errors like: this file is not in a recognizable format xlsx, this file is not in a recognizable format xlsm, Microsoft Excel the file is not in a recognizable format, Microsoft Excel XP the file is not in recognizable format or even Excel file not in a recognizable format recovery.

  2. @Alex:The tool you mentioned isn't a freeware...

  3. Yesterday evening I had unpleasant situation.Some of very important excel files were damaged no one knew how.But a friend advised me-Excel file repair software.And program solved this problem very easy and without payment.Moreover I saw how utility recovered contents and export of recovered data into a new document in Microsoft Excel format.

  4. Anonymous01:45

    Thanks Alex(*) for the plugs for the recovery app. I used a free one before, but this column is probably sponsored by non-free apps ... So, I'll keep looking...
    - P

  5. Thanks... I upload the file in googledocs, download it again. And it works like you've said..

  6. Anonymous12:38

    I visit your blog, & I read all information about recovery related, that is such a perfect informative post, i have also read about Excel File Recovery -You can examine the software with its trial version. :)

  7. Anonymous21:21

    none of these are freeware, most of them only unlock sheet protection

  8. Anonymous13:23


    Google Doc. is not uploading password protected file.

    it's show following error.

    The uploaded file is password-protected and could not be imported. Please remove the password and try again.

  9. Hi,

    All these methods are really helpful for lost excel password recovery. I tried to use GOOGLE DOCS and open password protected file with it, but unable to open it and get error message. If possible please explain........

  10. Anonymous16:53


    I have the same problem - google docs doesn't work for me either....

  11. Anonymous21:04

    I tried the instructions given. This does not work for .xlsm workbooks that are password protected

  12. Sumit18:10

    it's not working any how

  13. Anonymous02:40

    Google docs worked great for me - when you upload tell google to convert to open office file type, then when you download back to your computer, tell it to convert back to excel file type.

  14. There's one more way to unlock Excel files not listed here. When I lost a password to open Excel file, I used an online service called . You upload your file to the server first, and in several seconds you are given a link to download it with all password remove! It required some fee, but I think it worths it. Hope this will help someone!

  15. Here's a really simple way. Print the spreadsheet to a PDF. Open in Acrobat Pro and simply save it back as a worksheet. You get all the numbers and columns minus any formulas.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Just inspired with your blog written on same topic pls advice how to make better

    Open Password Protected Excel File

  18. Anonymous06:47

    What if the excel file is inside a .7z file, I want extract but ask for a password, no the .7z file, the excel file. If somebody can help, the .7z is unprotected but the excel has password.

  19. I am very grateful for the informative posting. Before someday i was lost excel password and unable to access my account and i have apply this tool. Really it works. By the help of
    office password recovery
    i have got the solution.
